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How can I edit my web pages?

There are many ways to edit your web pages once online.

Hire a web site designer:
The average web site designer?s tool-belt includes programs like Macromedia Dreamweaver (for site management, editing and publishing), Adobe Photoshop (image manipulation and conversion), Adobe Acrobat (PDF creation), among others. With these standard software tools an accomplished web site designer can assist you in developing virtually any style web site.

Other options include using Blogging or Content Management Software. Try one of the many web site management scripts built into your web site, like:



Use cPanel's FileMananger.

You'll find the Site Management Tool "FileManager" can be used to make changes to existing web pages on your web site.

In order to edit a page, log into your control panel, and click the FileManager link.

TIP #1: Remember to contact your web site designer and notify them you have made changes to your pages using FileManager, otherwise your web site designer may overwrite your changes the next time they publish their updates to your web site.

TIP #2: Remember to back up your page before making a change. This will ensure you have a backup just in case you need to quickly revert to the original.

Properties ID: 000109   Views: 8928   Updated: 14 years ago
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