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Connecting to FTP securely, with FTP over SSL/TLS

Your server supports secure data transfer via the "FTP over SSL/TLS" protocol.

Adobe Dreamweaver versions prior to CS5.5 do not allow for secure FTP over SST/TLS. For this reason Dreamweaver users accustomed to simply clicking the "Put" publishing button to upload files or changes will need to use alternate FTP software to do so, or upgrade to Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 or higher.

When you first connect, an "Unknown Certificate" or similar message may
appear. Click the Accept or Trust Certificate button and this message will go away nicely.

Below is an example FTP over SSL/TLS setup for Dreamweaver 6.0

Dreamweaver 6

Mac Fetch FTP

Mac Fetch, FTP with TLS/SSL

FileZilla how to set up FTP over TLS videoClick me to watch video

Properties ID: 000139   Views: 9191   Updated: 13 years ago