How to install clean Wordpress site from another web host
Steps to the process of moving a corrupted WordPress website to a new host:
- Set up account at new host (using same FTP usernameat new host as old if possible).
- Park alternate domain name at new host, such that wp-admin can be accessed.
- Install latest version virgin installation of Wordpress at new host.
- Set settings via phpMyAdmin to parked alternate domain name, such that wp-admin can be accessed using parked domain:
- Here
- And
- Upgrade Wordpress at old host to latest version.
- Export database from old host Wordpress installation using WP Export in dashboard.
- Import databaseinto new Wordpress installation at new host.
- Copy over media images, videos, etc., as required (wp-content/uploads, et al).
- Review database for potential exploits at new host.
- Install and set up safe plugins, including: Wordpress Firewall 2 then BulletProof Security
- Have client mirror "Settings" from old blog to new and install required plugins from dashboard.
- Password secure wp-admin directory (w/differentuser/pass than WP admin).
- If possible, change A record only at old host to point to new host IP address (for testing).
- Have client to set up email accounts or forwarders in cPanel at new host.
- Once ready, change DNS for domain name to new hosts DNS.
- Using phpMyAdmin Set wp_options in database to domain name (from temporary domain).