WordPress wp-cli (WordPress Command Line Interface)
How to use WordPress Command Line Interface
For help, type at command line: wp help
For example, wp help db export
Available commands:
wp cache [add|add_global_groups|add_non_persistent_groups|decr|delete|flush|get|incr|replace|set|type] wp comment [create|delete|trash|untrash|spam|unspam|approve|unapprove|count|status|last] wp core [download|config|install|install_network|version|update|update_db] wp db [create|drop|reset|optimize|repair|connect|cli|query|export|import] wp eval-file wp eval wp export [validate_arguments] wp generate [posts|users] wp home wp option [add|update|delete|get] wp plugin [activate|deactivate|toggle|path|update|uninstall|delete|status|install] wp post-meta [get|delete|add|update] wp post [create|update|delete] wp theme [activate|path|delete|status|install|update] wp transient [get|set|delete|type] wp user-meta [get|delete|add|update] wp user [list|delete|create|update] wp super-cache [flush|status|enable|disable]
See 'wp help ' for more information on a specific command.
Available Commands Descrptions:
- blog: Manages your blogs in a multisite installation.
- cache: Manages your object cache.
- cap: Manages all the capabilities of your users.
- comments: Manages all your user comments.
- core: Manages all the WordPress tasks like downloading, installing, updating etc.
- db: Performs all your basic database operations.
- eval: Executes the arbitrary PHP code after WordPress is loaded.
- eval-file: Loads and executes PHP code after WordPress is loaded.
- export: Exports your WordPress content to WXR file.
- help: Provides help on various WordPress topics.
- media: Controls your media library along with its attachments.
- option: Manages your options in WordPress.
- plugin: Manages your WordPress Plugins.
- post: Manages all your WordPress Posts.
- post-meta: Manages all your custom posts in WordPress.
- rewrite: Manages the rules related to rewrite options.
- roles: Manages the roles of your WordPress users.
- scaffold: Generates the code for taxonomies and post types in your WordPress site.
- search-replace: Searches and replaces the strings in your WordPress.
- shell: Interactive console for PHP scripting.
- term: Manages your WordPress terms.
- theme: Manages your WordPress themes
- transient: Manages all the transients in WordPress.
- user: Manages all your site users.
- user-meta: Manages the custom fields of your WordPress users.
Global parameters:
--user= set the current user --url= set the current URL --path= set the current path to the WP install --require= load a certain file before running the command --quiet suppress informational messages --version print wp-cli version
Common Commands
- Deactivate a plugin: wp plugin deactivate NAME or wp plugin toggle NAME
- To deactivate on Multisite Network Installed plugins: wp plugin toggle NAME --network
- Deactivate a theme: wp theme activate NAME (you have to actually activate a different theme)
- Change a password:
- wp user list (this will list all users, make a note of their IDs)
- wp user update 3 --user_pass=123456 (changes the password to something you know)
- Flush Cache: wp cache flush or wp super-cache flush (depending on which plugin they're using)
- Re-update core: wp core update
- Force the DB upgrade to run: wp core update-db
See the official WP CLI website at https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli/wiki